Reminder from Highland Council – Winter Wonderland Event (Whin Park, Inverness) is Cancelled

Highland Council would like to advise and reiterate to members of the public that the Winter Wonderland event (Whin Park, Inverness) has been cancelled this year due to COVID concerns and will not go ahead.

The Highland Council’s Trading Standards Team is aware that an unauthorised third-party is currently active on social media and is falsely promoting that the event will go ahead as initially planned (Saturday, 12 December).  Additionally, we are aware that this unauthorised group is attempting to market and sell tickets for the event.

As the Winter Wonderland event will not be taking place this year, the public are advised not to purchase any tickets which are being marketed for sale via social media.  Those who have inadvertently purchased tickets from the unauthorised group for this cancelled event should report this transaction to the police or Highland Council’s Trading Standards Team.

The Trading Standards Team can be contacted by email –


9 Dec 2020