Renewable Energy Working Group Near Completion Of Research

The Renewable Energy Working Group set up by The Highland Council to draft a comprehensive renewable energy strategy for the Highlands is on course to present its recommendations to the Planning Development Europe and Tourism Committee on 28 September.

The Group is to meet for a seventh and final time to conclude an intensive programme of information gathering before presenting its recommendations.

Once the interim strategy has been considered by the Committee, it will be widely publicised and statutory bodies, community councils and interested groups and individuals will be given the opportunity to comment.

The Council has set out its support for renewable energy in its Structure Plan and formed the Working Group to prepare a Highland policy, which is intended to maximise the gain and minimise the impact of renewable energy developments in the Highlands.

Councillor Sandy Park, Chairman of the Planning Development Europe and Tourism Committee, said: "The Working Group is making very good progress in preparing an interim policy on renewable energy. However, this is an intensive and complex piece of work, which cannot be rushed.

"We require a final meeting to conclude our research and our new target is to present a report to the Planning Development Europe and Tourism meeting on 28 September.

"I am acutely aware of the importance of this subject and the interest that is being shown in our work. I can assure everyone that once an interim policy is agreed, it will be publicised and open for representations from all quarters. It will be available for full scrutiny by the public, agencies and expert bodies. Then it will come back to the Council for confirmation."

3 May 2006