Ongoing rollout of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) 1140 hours

Members at today’s Education committee were updated on the ongoing rollout of 1140 hours of funded ELC provision in Highland. 194 ELC settings in Highland are now delivering 1140 hours, with a further 15 settings planned to move to 1140 hours in April 2021.

Cllr John Finlayson, Chair of the Education Committee said: “I am delighted that we are continuing to progress with delivering 1140 hours of funded provision in Highland.

“At our last Committee meeting in November, the report outlined that 202 Highland settings would be delivering 1140 hours by April this year. I am pleased that, at present, we are still on track to achieve this despite the additional Covid-19 restrictions being implemented nationally at the start of the year.

“This is a large project of work and I would like to thank each individual involved for their continued efforts in helping us deliver this essential service for families across the region”.

Where the opportunity exists to bring forward the provision of 1140 hours, these are being fully explored. Some settings, such as Bun-sgoil Schleite EM and GM, Beauly, Kirkhill, and St Josephs were previously planned for August 2021 delivery but have now been brought forward to this spring.

Brian Porter, Head of Resources said: “Despite the ongoing impact of Covid-19 in relation to the Council’s ELC capital works programme, good progress is being made on the rollout of 1140 hours, and the Council has contingency and other plans to mitigate risks and support rollout of 1140 hours by August 2021.”

11 Feb 2021