Distribution of postal voting packs for Highland Council By-election

Issued on behalf of the Returning Officer

Polling will take place on Thursday 11 March 2021 to elect one of six candidates standing in the Highland Council's Aird and Loch Ness Ward by-election.

The deadlines to register to vote and to request a postal vote have now passed but anyone eligible to take part has until Wednesday (3 March) to apply to vote by proxy.

Advice on voting by proxy is available by contacting the Electoral Registration Office on 0800 393783, emailing ero@highland.gov.uk.

Registered electors who requested to vote by post by last week’s deadline will start to receive their postal packs from tomorrow onwards via the Royal Mail postal service.

To assist any voters who may be voting by post for the first time to fill out the pack, The Highland Council has provided guidance on its website along with a short information video which goes through how to complete and return your postal vote –. www.highland.gov.uk/ward12byelection

If you have any trouble filling out the pack please see our FAQ How to Complete your Postal Vote

Anyone intending to vote is reminded that the single transferable vote system will be used. Instead of using a cross, voters should number the candidates in the order of their choice, putting a number 1 in the box next to the name of the candidate who is their first choice, 2 in the box next to their second choice and so on. Voters can mark as many choices as they wish. Voters are asked to put no other mark on the ballot paper as this could result in their vote not being counted.

If you have not applied for a postal vote but are registered to vote in this ward you will have received a poll card and this will tell you where you should go in person to vote on Thursday 11 March. Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm.


1 Mar 2021