Safety measures in place at all by-election polling stations

What voters need to know for polling day

As people living in the Aird and Loch Ness ward prepare to go to the poll to elect a Highland Councillor on Thursday (11 March),  The Highland Council is assuring  voters that they will be complying with the guidelines of Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Management Board to make sure it’s safe and secure for everyone to vote at their polling station.

General Risk assessments and specific COVID assessments have been carried out for every polling station in the ward to ensure that all measures are in place for the safety of voters and staff. Extra staff have been recruited to make sure that all measures are adhered to and to make the voting experience as smooth and safe as possible.

There will be physical distancing at all polling stations and a limit on how many people are permitted entry any one time.

Upon entering voters will be expected to wear a face covering exactly as when entering shops or using public transport. Hand sanitiser will be made available on entry and exit. The polling place staff will be behind protective screens, but voters will still be able to receive their support when they need it.

Prior to the poll, all the venues being used will be thoroughly cleaned and regular cleaning will be undertaken throughout the hours of polling. Voters are being asked to be patient as they may need to wait to use a booth while it is being cleaned.

Where possible polling stations will have a one-way system and voters will have to follow the signage and any instructions. As for casting votes, anyone is welcome to take along their own pencil or pen, but out of the box new pencils will be available for each voter.

The Returning Officer, Chief Executive Donna Manson suggest people plan ahead. She said: “Our election staff have worked hard to make sure all safety measures for voters are in place. It is a good idea to check the poll card that you will have received as your polling place may have changed since the last election.

“On Thursday polling stations across the Aird and Loch Ness Ward open at 7am and will remain open until 10pm. Due to the social distancing rules we do expect queues to form. If there’s a queue, you’ll still be able vote as long as you have joined it before the poll ends at 10pm. Electors may wish to consider avoiding peak times and attending polling stations at quiet periods such as mid-morning or mid-afternoon.”

Details of the Polling Stations for Aird and Loch Ness can be found on the by-election page at

Donna added: “Upon arrival at a polling station staff will give you your ballot paper and answer any questions you have regarding the process.”

People should vote using numbers and rank the candidates in order of choice using 1, 2, 3 and so on. Put the number 1 in the voting box next to your first choice, a 2 in the voting box next to your second choice, a 3 in the voting box next to your third choice, and so on. You can make as many or as few choices as you wish.

If anyone has applied for a Postal Vote, it must be received by 10.00pm on Thursday 11 March 2021. If you have left it too late to post, you can drop it in at any Polling Station within the Ward.

All ballot boxes will be securely stored until the Count which takes place from 2pm onwards on Friday 12 March. People can follow progress and get information on the results by following the Council’s twitter feed - @HighlandCouncil #Ward12by-election.


8 Mar 2021