Tenders to be invited for Muir of Ord Square works

Muir of Ord Community Council has selected their preferred design option for a new square for the village using Town Centre Funding.

In 2019 Muir of Ord Community Council successfully bid into the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Regeneration Fund for £190K of funding for works to Muir of Ord Square. 

The Community Council approached The Highland Council to deliver the project to maximise the benefit from the available funds.

The Council’s design team has worked closely with the community council to consider a range of options, and the Community Council has undertaken public engagement to determine the local views.

Following the meeting of the Muir of Ord Community Council with local members and council officials, the Community Council on Wednesday 3 March 2021 selected their preferred options to allow tenders to be invited –  to meet the grant conditions of an award of contract by the end of March.

The tender will include a range of options so that the cost of various elements can be established so that the Community Council can make a decision on the scope of the project to be delivered.

Chair of Muir of Ord Community Council Frances MacGruer said: “Muir of Ord Community Council are delighted with Highland Council's final plans for regeneration of the Square.  We have worked hard to deliver these changes in accordance to the Community Survey and we are positive that these plans will work for all our residents, businesses and especially Tarradale Primary School. 

"The Community Council has agreed with Highland Council that any materials being removed from the square will be re-used in other parts of the village.  The completed project will give us an upgraded public space which will also double up as a car park, which historically has been well used for this purpose.  So, we look forward to this space being used for small and large gatherings, our Annual Gala, Christmas Carol Service, markets, craft fairs and more, well into the future."

Colin Howell, Highland Council’s Head of Infrastructure added: “This is an important step to deliver the aspirations for the community in Muir of Ord and to benefit from the grant funding that has been secured.  I recognise that this project has led to a range of views and opinions – and these have been expressed via the community council’s engagement process and also representations to local Ward Members.  My design team has worked closely with the Community Council, and we have provided options and technical expertise – to allow both the design and delivery of this project.  We await the tenders to be returned and this will allow a decision to be taken on what is to be delivered using the available Town Centre Funding award.”

9 Mar 2021