Tenant engagement and welfare takes focus for Housing staff in second lockdown

Cllr Ben Thompson, Chair Housing & Property Committee
Cllr Ben Thompson, Chair Housing & Property Committee

At today’s meeting of the Highland Council’s Housing and Property Committee, Members noted the update on the delivery of housing services during the COVID-19 emergency and the information provided on housing performance in the period 1st April 2020– 31st December 2020.

The priority for housing staff in the second phase of lockdown has been to identify and offer advice and assistance to the most vulnerable tenants and other housing clients. Prioritising communication of advice and information to all tenants.

Throughout the first weeks of January 2021 the Tenant Participation Team focused on contacting as many tenants as possible to carry out welfare checks as follows:-

• Direct contact by phone – 2,672 tenants aged over 70;

• Email contact – 688 tenants; and

• Text message contact – 8,158 tenants.

Other tenants are being contacted by area housing teams as part of their ongoing casework, Housing Options Officers are contacting clients in temporary accommodation and Housing Management Officers are contacting tenants in rent arrears. Officers are referring clients to local Community Hubs for assistance if required.

The communication emails and texts contained links to online Tenant Briefings, giving information about Housing Services and useful contacts for any tenant requiring support or assistance. Briefings were also promoted on social media and through media outlets. A Tenant Newsletter was also issued to all tenants providing useful contact numbers for help and advice.

Digital interaction with tenants has continued to increase throughout the pandemic with interested tenants taking part in regular “Teams” meetings with staff and other tenants. Registered Tenant Groups and Sheltered Housing groups are being supported to meet online. The Tenant Scrutiny panel, Strategic Tenant Finance Group and Area Tenant Forums meet regularly online.

The Tenant Participation Team have also held informative online sessions on Energy Saving (in partnership with CAB) and on Scams (in partnership with Police Scotland and Trading Standards). Future sessions are planned on Mental Health Wellbeing (with NHS Highland) and Fuel Poverty (with Changeworks). There have also been a number of online social events for tenants, to address loneliness and social isolation, such as an online Christmas party, quiz sessions and a regular drop-in coffee morning. Regular “check-in” calls are also being carried out with individuals identified as vulnerable during the first lockdown and information is being shared as appropriate with other Council services to assist these clients.

Chair of the Housing and Property Committee, Councillor Ben Thompson, said: “I would like to thank the housing staff for their professional and targeted approach to supporting tenants throughout the Highland region. Facing significant challenges, they have done their utmost to engage with the public and have contributed to directing support and assistance to those in need.  Tenants have been understanding and patient and I think in part that is due to the support they’ve received from the housing and welfare teams.”

11 Mar 2021