Progress to Education and Property projects noted at Housing and Property Committee

•	Cllr Ben Thompson, Chair Housing & Property Committee
• Cllr Ben Thompson, Chair Housing & Property Committee

The Highland Council’s Housing and Property Committee, met yesterday – 11 March 2021 and noted the progress made during the current financial year to Education and Property projects in the Council’s capital programme.

Despite the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the delivery of the Council’s capital programme, significant progress has continued to be delivered. 

The report presented at the Housing and Property Committee outlined the highlights in the current financial year to include the handover of 3 major projects at Alness Academy and Merkinch Primary School, and Inverness High School due to be completed this month. A list of all Education and Property involved in the programme, are categorised under 3 headings, either completed, at construction stage or at pre-construction stage can be found within appendix 1 and 2 of the report.

Progress includes:

  • Phase two of Alness Academy and Merkinch Primary are at construction phase 
  • A further 18 projects have been completed and include structure and fabric replacement and refurbishment to 15 Primary Schools and 3 High Schools
  • 11 at pre-construction stage and a further 24 projects are at construction phase with a significant number in nursery units, extensions, refurbishment, cycle pathways and ASN alterations
  • 43 projects are at pre-construction phase
  • Significant progress on the combined Early Learning and Childcare/School Estate Investment Programme that was initially approved in June 2019 along with further projects approved since June 2020
  • A successful funding bid to the Learning Estate Investment Programme saw replacement schools for Broadford Primary School and Nairn Academy included in the second phase of projects announced by the Scottish Government in December 2020, with both due to be operational in 2025. The new Tain 3-18 Campus is included in Phase 1 of the programme and is due to open in 2024.
  • Property highlights in the current financial year include the completion of the Nairn Courthouse Steeple and Stonework Refurbishment project, and continuing investment in General Fund properties through the Fire Safety and Gas Safety programmes of work.
  • COVID-19 - Significant flushing and disinfecting of water systems has been necessary to avoid the risk of water borne contamination due to reduced usage during lockdown and school closures.
  • There are also ongoing improvement works to ventilation systems to minimise potential COVID-19 aerosol transmission where possible.

Chair of the Housing and Property Committee, Councillor Ben Thompson, said: “The investment across all geographic areas of the Council’s estate will make a significant contribution to economic recovery across Highland communities over the coming years.  Whilst the restrictions and impact of the pandemic has contributed to projects being delayed, I am confident that as the construction industry and supply chains return that progress and delivery will be escalated.”

Cllr John Finlayson, Chair of the Council’s Education Committee, said: “I am delighted that three major projects have been delivered and that Alness Academy, Merkinch Primary and Inverness High School staff and pupils can enjoy their new settings.  I’d like to thank all involved in the development of the Education projects in the Highland area and I look forward to seeing all the other projects in the programme coming to fruition in the future. The setbacks caused by COVID-19 restrictions are exactly that, unfortunate and unavoidable setbacks that will be remedied as and when restrictions begin to ease.”

Cllr Fiona Robertson, Easter Ross Area Committee Chair, said: “The first stakeholder meeting for the new 3-18 campus in Tain was held on Monday evening.  It was a hugely positive meeting, with an exciting presentation from the design team and the contractor.  We all warmly welcome the progress of the new schools and thank Highland Councillors and officers for their support, dedication and hard work in bringing this project to fruition.”

12 Mar 2021