Holding out for a HERO - employer grant to help businesses recruit staff

A grant of up to £6000 is available from The Highland Council to help businesses with the costs of recruiting and employing a new member of staff.

If you are a private or third sector employer with less than 50 employees in Highland you can apply for a ‘HERO grant’.

The fund can cover the costs of employing someone including their wages, training costs, travel or other work-related costs.

Highland Council's Economy & Regeneration Manager, Andy McCann, said: "With the current uncertainty in the economy, the Council is aware of the difficulty’s businesses are facing to make a commitment to employ someone new.

"The aim of this 12-month grant is to take away some of this uncertainty and encourage employers to take on new staff who are unemployed or who have been issued with a redundancy."

Businesses can visit the Council’s website and take the 15 minutes required to read the guidance and to apply using the online form.

The Highland Employment Recruitment Offer (HERO) grant is part of the Council’s Economic Prosperity Fund included in the Council’s 2021/22 budget.

15 Mar 2021