Progress continues on the Skye and Raasay Investment Plan

The preparation of the Skye and Raasay Investment Plan is continuing to gather momentum with the next key stages announced.

The aim of the Investment Plan is to help coordinate future investment across the area and maximise the benefits for people and places across Skye & Raasay.

Included within the next key steps will be a series of engagement events which will be held during the second half of April. The date and times will be confirmed shortly. 

The events will build on the previous engagements including a briefing session with Community Council’s on 15 March and an initial workshop event which was held on 28 January and attended by over 60 people either leading on projects in the area or representatives from key organisations.

The event was facilitated by Architecture and Design Scotland who have prepared a report of the outputs from the event – this is now available to view on the Skye and Raasay Investment Plan webpage

Throughout the preparation of the Investment Plan an online consultation is running to allow people to share their views on the priorities for the area and for interested parties to provide further information on their projects.

The feedback we receive as part of the events and the online consultation will be used to help inform engagement and shape the content of the Investment Plan.  The intention is that the completed Investment Plan will be presented to the Skye and Raasay Members at a special Area Committee in June.  

The Council’s Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure and Environment, Malcolm MacLeod, said: “We recognise the continuing restrictions that are in place, however, we want to keep the momentum up and put Skye and Raasay in the strongest position possible as we look to recover from the pandemic and take advantage of any future funding opportunities which may emerge.

"We want the Investment Plan to reflect what people want so it’s important for everyone to work together and to make sure it represents the whole of the Skye and Raasay community.”

15 Mar 2021