Highland Council encouraging those who have not yet applied for the EU Settlement Scheme to act now

EU Settlement Scheme

Highland Council is encouraging anyone who has not yet applied to join the EU Settlement Scheme to do so as soon as possible before the 30 June deadline.

Latest figures on the EU Settlement Scheme show that there have been 10,140 applications in the Highland Council area up until the end of December 2020.

Highland Council welcomes these numbers and urges any EU/EEA/Swiss citizens resident in Highland, who have yet to do so, to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme so that they can retain their right to live, study, work, access NHS services and benefit entitlements in the UK.

The deadline for application is 30 June 2021.

Highland Council say it is encouraging to see the latest EU Settlement Scheme figures for Highland with so many people choosing to remain. The local authority is now reaching out to those who are here but who haven’t quite got round to applying as yet.

It is important to remember that EU, EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members can still apply to the EU Settlement Scheme in order to obtain settled or pre-settled status.

Time is running out and this scheme closes at the end of June 2021. The Council is keen that EU, EEA and Swiss citizens make the Highlands their home and continue to contribute positively to the area.

The Council is urging anyone who falls into this category not to delay and apply for the EU Settlement Scheme or individuals could find that they will lose their rights to remain, work and access any benefits. Please don’t leave it until it is too late. Now is the time.

Support is available free of charge to EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens and their family members (including non-EEA family members) in relation to the EU Settlement Scheme from the Citizens Advice Bureau. They can be contacted at 0800 916 9847 or visit their website - http://www.invernesscab.org

Full details on the EU Settlement Scheme quarterly figures can be found at EU Settlement Scheme Quarterly Stats

Full details on the EU Settlement Scheme can be found at EU Citizens Families.

EU Settlement Scheme

16 Mar 2021