Charming worms in Lairg

The inaugural Lairg Worm Charming Championship at the Ferrycroft Centre in Lairg attracted 50 contestants and the Champion Worm Charmer of 2007 was May Armstrong (4) of Knockdhu, Lairg who charmed 19.5 worms.  The event was organised by The Highland Council Rangers to introduce people to the fascinating lives of the common or garden earthworm.

The day began with participants being given ten minutes to extract as many worms as possible from a 2 metre square plot. A wide variety of techniques were used to produce the necessary vibrations that bring the worms to the surface. Garden forks (although digging was forbidden), space hoppers, tennis rackets, pogo sticks and a fair amount of dancing and jumping were all in evidence.

The group then went on to produce a giant willow worm for display at the centre to help highlight the importance of these humble creatures.

Highland Council Ranger Ian Paterson commented:  “The earthworm is an animal many people just ignore but which is arguably one of the most important organisms on the planet. Without them little vegetation would be recycled and our soil would rapidly become sterile and useless. I hope today’s event both amused and informed our visitors about the usefulness of the earthworm. The display the children have made can be viewed at the Ferrycroft Centre”

This guided walk was part of a programme of guided walks and events organised by Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers throughout the Highlands. Copies of the programmes can be found on the Council’s website at or by telephoning: 01549 402 638.
The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.



1 Aug 2007