New Provost Seeks Remedies for City Centre Congestion

The new provost of Inverness has promised that urgent talks will be held with local businesses, public transport operators and taxi drivers to discuss how best to minimise disruption to traffic during a major revamp of the city centre.

Provost Bob Wynd, chairman of the City of Inverness Committee of The Highland Council, is eager that early action is taken to ease congestion and get traffic moving again.

He said: “This £6 million project will bring significant benefits to Inverness and the Highlands, and we must not lose sight of the vision for our city centre. We cannot, however, implement this level of change without causing some inconvenience.

“I have had very positive discussions with officials and I have asked them to look at options for reducing traffic in the city centre while the construction works are ongoing. We also need to continue to work with local businesses, public transport operators, and taxi operators to minimise disruption during the works.

“I am sure that from the sections of the work already completed, that people will begin to see the quality of the finished product, and the long term benefits this project will bring to Inverness.”

The Inverness City Centre Streetscape & Traffic Management Programme will revitalise the historic core of the city and invest in its future economic prosperity through a series of measures including: traffic calming, high quality street surfaces, furniture, lighting and public art.  The scheme is designed to give a clear sense of place and promote the special identity Inverness has as the city in the Highlands.

4 Jun 2007