Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2021 gu bhith eadar-dhealaichte!
Issued by An Comunn Gàidhealach
Tha An Comunn Gàidhealach, buidheann-deasachaidh a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail, air dearbhadh gum bheil dùil an tachartas a chur air adhart ann an Inbhir Nis eadar 8 agus 16 an Dàmhair am-bliadhna, agus gum bheil obair-deasachaidh air tòiseachadh air cruth na cuirme.
Ri linn na mì-chinnt a tha riaghailtean Covid19 a’ cur air cruinneachaidhean den t-seòrsa tha an luchd-deasachaidh air nochdadh gum bi dreach eadar-dhealaichte air Mòd na bliadhna seo, le barrachd cruth taisbeanaidh subhachais agus nas lugha de dh’fharpaisean air chomas.
Thuirt Àrd-Oifigear a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich, Seumas Greumach, “ ’S e dùbhlan a th’ ann clàr-tachartais a dheasachadh far am bheil riaghailtean pandemic a’ cuingealachadh chùisean cho mòr, agus gun chinnt air dè dh’fhaodadh tachairt eadar seo agus an Dàmhair. Ach tha sinn ag obair gu dlùth le ar buidhnean co-phàirte ag amas air clàr-tachartais a bhios innleachdach agus tarraingeach. Tachartas a chuireas ri inbhe na Gàidhlig is a bheir toileachas dha luchd-amhairc is èisteachd, agus aig an aon àm a dh’fhoillsicheas prìomh bhaile na Gàidhealtachd feadh an t-saoghail. Bidh dùil againn togail air na dh’fhoghlam sinn bhon Mhòd Air-loidhne a dh’fhoillsich sinn ann an 2020, agus a bha cho soirbheachail, nuair a b’ fheudar Mòd àbhaisteach a chur dheth air sgàth a’ chorònabhìorais.
“Le mothachadh gum feum an clàr a bhith sùbailte gu leòr gus an tèid aige air aomadh ma choinneamh atharraichean a dh’fhaodadh tighinn, tha obair-deasachaidh dìreach air tòiseachadh agus tha sinn an dùil barrachd fiosrachaidh fhoillseachadh deireadh a’ Chèitein. Aig an ìre seo tha sinn airson innse dha caraidean a’ Mhòid anns gach àite gum bheil cuirm gu bhith ann am-bliadhna, agus gum bi cothrom aca taic a chur ris na bhios a’ tachairt.
“Dh’iarrainn taing a thoirt dha Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Riaghaltas na h-Alba, agus Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd airson an cuid taice leantainnich tro na h-amannan dùbhlanach seo, agus cuideachd buidhnean-goistidheachd a’ Mhòid bhon roinn phrìobhaideach.”
Royal National Mòd 2021 to be different!
Royal National Mòd organiser, An Comunn Gàidhealach, has confirmed that it intends to deliver the event in Inverness this year between 8 and 16 October, and that work is underway to finalise the structure of this year’s festival.
As a consequence of the restrictions which the Covid-19 regulations impose on gatherings of this kind, the organisers have announced that this year’s National Mòd in Inverness will be more in the nature of a cultural showcase celebration with considerably fewer competitions being possible.
An Comunn Gàidhealach Chief Executive James Graham said, “It is a hugely challenging task to compile a festival syllabus where pandemic regulations are so seriously restrictive, and where we cannot predict with any certainty what might happen between now and October. We are working closely with our main stakeholders with the aim of producing an innovative and attractive event. An event which will promote the status of Gaelic and bring enjoyment to viewers and listeners, and which will simultaneously promote the capital city of the Highlands across the world. We intend to capitalise on what was learned when we successfully produced the Mòd Online in 2020, for the first time, when the planned event had to be postponed because of coronavirus.
“Recognising that the event programme will require to be as flexible as possible in order to respond to any unforeseen changes, the preparatory work on that programme has just started and we plan to publish more details towards the end of May. At this stage we wish to inform friends and supporters of the Mòd everywhere that we will have a festival this year, and that they will have an opportunity to support what will take place.
“I would like to thank Bord na Gaidhlig, Scottish Government, and The Highland Council for their continuing support through this challenging period, and also private sector sponsors of the Mòd.”