HMIe report on Balloch Primary School, Inverness

A report of a recent HMIe inspection of Balloch Primary School, Inverness, has commended the school in the following areas:

In their report, the inspectors found nearly all aspects of the 291-pupil to be very good.  They recognised the very good quality of the curriculum and commitment of the teachers and support staff.  Also highlighted were the very positive relationships with parents and the wider community.   They commented on the strong leadership of the Head Teacher, Mrs Christine Scott, and the effective support of the depute, Mrs Clare Petrie. The school was judged to have high performance and a strong record of improvement.
The inspectors encouraged the school to continue to maintain and improve attainment in language work and further develop their initiative in collaborative learning.
Mrs Scott said: “The staff and I are delighted with the report which reflects the positive ethos of the school, the very good quality of teaching throughout the school and the very good learning opportunities provided for all children to achieve.  It highlights the positive teamwork and partnership with parents and the community and our commitment to continually improving our school.”
Jean Gilfillan, Chairperson of the School Board, said:  “This is a great report which reflects the hard work and commitment of Mrs. Scott and her staff and the parents of Balloch Primary.”
Provost Robert Wynd, chairman of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Committee, said: “I am pleased with the report but would have been expecting it to be excellent, as the school has always worked to very high standards.  As a parent and now grandparent of children attending the school, the report reflects what I already know and that is that Balloch is a top class school with excellent results.”

5 Jun 2007