It's Telford time with the Great Glen Way Rangers

To mark the anniversary of Thomas Telford’s birthday and his achievements in creating the Caledonian Canal - a living history family event will take place on Wednesday 20th June.

As part of the Highland Year of Culture, Highland Council’s Great Glen Way Rangers and British Waterways Scotland will celebrate the Caledonian Canal through a historical re-enactment called ‘Telford’s Tales’.

Participants will meet Thomas Telford, William Jessop and other characters that are associated with the building of the Caledonian Canal.

Great Glen Way Ranger Clelland McCallum said: “A visit to the Caledonian Canal is an experience of epic engineering and dramatic landscapes where echoes of past peoples and legends still ring clear today.

“The Highlands have a rich industrial archaeological past and the Canal is due to one man, Thomas Telford. It was the first public funded transport scheme which was built to boost the economy of the Highlands. This was at a time when the British Government was scared that the Highlands of Scotland would side with the French during the Napoleonic War. We are hoping to get across to people the brilliant story the Canal still has to tell.”

The event will be held in Fort Augustus on Wednesday 20th June at various times starting from 11:00am. As spaces are limited booking is essential and can be reserved by contacting Highland Council’s Great Glen Way Rangers on 01320 366633.

The Great Glen Way Rangers provide information and advice to users prior to commencing the route and while they are on the way. The Rangers patrol and inspect the route regularly and undertake an interesting and informative guided walks programme. They also provide environmental education, countryside interpretation and work regularly with local communities throughout the Great Glen.
The management and maintenance of the route is undertaken by The Highland Council, with grant assistance from Scottish Natural Heritage.
Further information about the Great Glen Way can be found on the internet at

For further information please contact: Clelland McCallum, Great Glen Way Rangers, The Highland Council, Planning & Development Service, Auchterawe, Fort Augustus Tel/Fax/Answer Machine: 01320 366 633 E-mail:

11 Jun 2007