Big Brass Day

80 brass playing young musicians from schools across the Highlands meet up in Inverness last Friday (8 June) for a special day of tuition.

The youngsters, all pupils of Instrumental Instructors employed by The Highland Council, ranged from relative beginners to the more skilled and experienced senior pupils.  Also in attendance were members of professional quartet Thistle Brass who managed to fit this day into their busy performing schedule.  Their hard work and humour was appreciated by everyone who came along and their expert playing was an inspiration to pupils and staff alike.

The day ended with a short performance for parents of some of the materials practiced during the day.  This performance also included some items by Thistle Brass and the local quintet, Ness Brass.

The Highland Council's Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton said:  “This type of event is essential to encourage pupils and promote the musical and social benefits of learning a musical instrument.  It was great to see the obvious enjoyment and sense of achievement, especially from those who attend smaller schools and may seldom get the chance to play in a group situation."

12 Jun 2007