Superstore decision deferred on Inverness outskirts

The Highland Council’s Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Planning Applications Committee today (Tuesday, 12 June 2007) deferred decisions for the development of an Asda superstore, petrol filling station, 5 small retails units and associated works on land at Slackbuie Farm, Inverness.

Members of the committee decided to defer consideration of a report by the Director of Planning and Development which recommended that the application be refused.

A motion for deferral was put forward by Councillor John Finnie and seconded by Councillor Donnie Kerr on the grounds that there was insufficient road / traffic information from the applicant on the impact of the proposal on the existing road network. The Trunk Roads Network Management Division had, the report highlighted, asked for more information.

The motion received 12 votes to 6.

12 Jun 2007