Inverness City Centre Survey

The Highland Council is conducting research about Inverness city centre and is encouraging residents, visitors and businesses - anyone who lives, works or enjoys leisure in the city - to take part in a short on-line survey.

The survey is part of the evaluation of the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project (IHTP) which has been running in the city centre for the last 6 years.

copy of logoThe project has delivered grants to improve buildings, as well as delivering an activity plan to facilitate traditional building skills training, heritage engagement and lectures plus the creation of a digital heritage trail. 

The survey is being carried out electronically as due to Covid-19, the project team are not able to deploy market researchers to physically talk to people in person on the streets. However, it is hoped that by being on-line this will enable a greater audience reach in order to garner opinions on how the city has evolved and improved throughout the lifetime of the IHTP. 

Sarah James-Gaukroger from the ITHP project team said: “The survey forms part of the whole evaluation of the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project which will be published later this summer. The outcome of this may influence how Inverness receives funding for similar projects in the years ahead so it is important that as many people as possible take part and pass on their feedback.”

This research is being conducted in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and all responses are confidential and in reporting will be anonymous. As part of the questionnaire participants have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win £50 of vouchers of their choice.

The survey will run for 3 weeks and the results will help shape a final evaluation report which will be publicised later this summer.

To take part visit –



18 Jun 2021