Visitor Management Groups – working together in Highland for visitors and communities

Across Highland three multi-agency Visitor Management Groups meet weekly to address local tourism matters. A multi-agency partnership of emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coastguard) and a range of Highland Council services cover roads, parking, litter and waste, access rangers, environmental health and public toilet related issues.

Input from Highland Councillors and communities is also shared, other partners include SEPA, Forest and Land Scotland, NatureScot and HIE.

The three designated groups divided by geographic area are:

  • Skye, Lochaber and South West Ross Visitor Management Group
  • The North Highland Visitor Management Group
  • Inverness Area and Nairnshire Visitor Management Group

Chair of the Council’s Tourism Committee, Cllr Gordon Adam said: “The Highland Council and its partners have invested significant resources to support visitors and local communities this summer. It is imperative that we work together to ensure that we use these resources as effectively as possible, the weekly multi-agency group meetings across Highland, offer a whole-system approach and are an effective way to approach Visitor Management across Highland.”

The groups aim to make sure that visitors to Highland enjoy themselves this summer while keeping safe and are aware of their rights and responsibilities. It also aims to help manage the impact visitors have on the communities hosting them and reduce the associated pressures due to the high number of people visiting the area.

The groups meet weekly throughout the tourism season to share information, plan and work to resolve any concerns, including a round-up of the main issues from the previous week and forecast for the following week.

By working together, the partners identify where responsibilities lie for particular issues and are able to provide clear and consistent information to visitors and communities. The group can also identify areas of concern and together, can target resources to best effect; ranging from provision of additional bins to increased ranger patrols; Police road traffic patrols and speed enforcement.

The overwhelming majority of visitors want to enjoy Highland responsibly and are reassured and happy to cooperate with the support and advice offered by the various services.  There have been instances when unacceptable behaviour has been challenged and visitors have responded positively to this.

People travelling to the Highlands this summer are advised to plan ahead and make bookings in advance of travel.

The Highland landscapes are beautiful and are popular destinations for locals and visitors alike. The environment needs to be cared for, so its natural beauty and habitats last for centuries to come, and for others to enjoy and visit too.

Wherever you go, please be considerate of what's around you and respect any signage or information - its there for a reason!

Please remember to:

  • Pick up litter; take it home with you or dispose of correctly.
  • Clean up after your dog.
  • Do not start fires.
  • Do not disturb farm animals and keep your dog on a leash around farmland.
  • Do not disturb natural flora, fauna or animal habitats.

Visitor Management issues should be reported on The Highland Council website at - the online forms are available 24/7.

People can contact the Access Ranger team, but we do ask that people are realistic in their expectations. The team is not an emergency service and are there to educate and engage rather than enforce. They can be contacted by email at or by phoning the Senior Rangers on 07881 298503 for the South (Skye, Lochaber & SW Ross) and 07909 051223 for the North (all other areas)

8 Jul 2021