Still time to apply to vote in Highland Council By-elections

Issued on behalf of the Returning Officer

By-Elections for Wards 3 & 13

Polling will take place on Thursday 12 August to elect one of five candidates standing in The Highland Council's Wick and East Caithness ward and one of seven candidates standing in the Inverness West ward so voters are being reminded to make sure they are ready to make their vote count.

The Local Government by-election has arisen in Wards 3 and 13 due to the resignations of Councillor Nicola Sinclair, one of 4 Councillors representing the Wick and East Caithness Ward, and Councillor Graham Ross, one of 3 members of the Inverness West Ward.

Voting will take place between 7.00am and 10.00pm on Thursday 12 August 2021.

To take part in these two by-elections eligible residents must be registered to vote by midnight on Monday 26 July 2021. To complete a register to vote application online  visit  (external link) or alternatively telephone the Electoral Registration Office on 0800 393 783 or email to request a paper application form. Applications must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Moray House, 16-18 Bank Street, INVERNESS, IV1 1QY by the deadline.

Everyone who is eligible to vote can vote in person on the day at a polling station or can apply for either a postal vote or appoint a proxy which is someone to vote on their behalf by post or inperson at the polling station. The latest time to apply for a postal vote is 5.00pm on Tuesday 27 July and the deadline for anyone wishing to apply to vote by proxy is Wednesday 3 March 2021. 

Postal packs will be despatched by Royal Mail on Tuesday 3 August 2021 to those registered electors that have submitted a form by the postal vote deadline.   further guidance on how to complete your postal pack is available here Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm on Thursday 12 August 2021 and the electronic counting of votes will take place the following day in Inverness.

Anyone intending to vote is reminded that the single transferable vote system will be used. Instead of using a cross, voters should number the candidates in the order of their choice, putting a number 1 in the box next to the name of the candidate who is their first choice, 2 in the box next to their second choice and so on. Voters can mark as many choices as they wish. Voters are asked to put no other mark on the ballot paper as this could result in their vote not being counted.

The five Wick and East Caithness ward candidates standing for election are:

  • CAMERON, Michael James - Scottish National Party (SNP)
  • CHRISTIAN, Harry - Scottish Libertarian Party
  • FERNIE, Bill - Independent
  • ROSS, Daniel - Scottish Conservative and Unionist
  • TILT, Jill - Scottish Liberal Democrats

The seven Inverness West ward candidates standing for election are:

  • AITKEN, Colin - Scottish Liberal Democrats
  • BANNERMAN, Max - Scottish Conservative and Unionist
  • FORSYTH, Iain Cullens - Independence for Scotland Party
  • LIPTROT, Calum Mark - Scottish Libertarian Party
  • MACKINTOSH, Ryan – Scottish Green Party
  • MACLEAN, Kate – Scottish National Party (SNP)
  • MCDONALD Duncan - Independent

The Notice Of Polls, along with all information about these two by-elections, including what options there are for voting and answers to frequently asked questions is available by visiting the Council’s website - 


13 Jul 2021