Sgeama-cluiche Samhradh Grianach Gàidhlig/Sunny Summer Gaelic Playscheme

Tha sgeama-cluiche tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig air a bhith a’ dol air adhart anns a’ Ghearasdan fad na seachdain airson 26 sgoilear bho Bhun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar. Tha an Sgeama-cluiche Gàidhlig na phàirt de dh’iomairt Samhradh an Dòchais aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus tha tachartasan cluiche a’ gabhail àite air feadh na h-Alba le amas clann a thoirt an lùib cluiche is cothrom a thoirt dhaibh ceangal a thogail le chèile às dèidh bliadhna dhùbhlanach.
Tha an tachartas air a chur air dòigh le Sgioba Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus air aoigheachd aig ‘Stramash’, sgoil-àraich air a’ bhlàr a-muigh sa Ghearasdan. Tha luchd-obrach bhon sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ ruith an sgeama-chluiche.
Thuirt Mgr Cameron Sprague, Ceannard Sgioba aig ‘Stramash’, “Tha e sgoinneil a bhith a’ toirt aoigheachd dhan sgeama-chluiche Ghàidhlig an seo agus a bhith a’ faicinn na cloinne a’ dol an lùib nàdair agus an àrainneachd air a’ bhlàr a-muigh fhad ’s a tha iad ag ionnsachadh is a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig. Tha mòran de chultar na Gàidhlig ceangailte ris an fhearann agus tha e cho tlachdmhor an ceangal seo fhaicinn is a thoirt beò. Tha sinn moiteil a bhith a’ toirt taic dhan a seo.” Lean e air adhart, “Tha an sgioba ‘Stramash’ a tha ag obair leis a’ chloinn a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig agus tha seo a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh a bhith air am bogadh sa chànan.”
Tha an t-sìde mhath a tha air a bhith ann o chionn ghoirid air cur gu mòr ris an tachartas air a’ bhlàr a-muigh agus chòrd seo glan ris a’ chloinn.
Thuirt an Comhairliche Ailean MacEanraig, Iar-Chathraiche Comataidh Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd, “Tha e fìor mhath gu bheil Sgioba na Gàidhlig ag obair còmhla ri ‘Stramash’ gus Sgeama-cluiche Gàidhlig a chruthachadh mar phàirt de dh’iomairt Samhradh an Dòchais. Tha tachartasan a leithid seo cho cudromach do na daoine òga seach gun urrainn dhaibh an sgilean Gàidhlig a chleachdadh tro shaor-làithean an t-samhraidh agus tha cothrom aig a’ chloinn coinneachadh rin co-aoisean.” Lean e air adhart, “Tha e cudromach gum bi an òigridh a’ cleachdadh nan sgilean cànain aca taobh a-muigh an t-seòmair-theagaisg ann an àrainneachd spòrsail, neo-fhoirmeil agus tha an tachartas seo dha-rìribh a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh seo a dhèanamh.”
Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh bho
Sunny Summer Gaelic Playscheme
A weeklong outdoor Gaelic medium playscheme is underway in Fort William for 26 children who attend Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar. The Gaelic Playscheme is part of the Scottish Government, Summer of Hope Initiative, play events are taking place across Scotland and aim to get children playing, socialising and re-connecting after a challenging year.
The event is organised by the Highland Council Gaelic Team and hosted by the ‘Stramash’ outdoor nursery in Fort William, the playscheme is staffed by Gaelic speaking staff from the nearby Gaelic school.
Mr Cameron Sprague, Team Leader at ‘Stramash’ said, “It is wonderful to be, and indeed hosting, the Gaelic outdoor playscheme on our premises, and to see the children really engaging with nature and the outdoor environment whilst at the same time learning and using Gaelic. So much of the Gaelic culture is linked to the land that the connection between the Gaelic language and nature is lovely to see and experience, we are proud to be supporting this. He added, “The ‘Stramash’ Team who are interacting with the children are Gaelic speakers which allows for the young people to be immersed in the language”.
The recent hot weather has been a bonus for the children to take full advantage of the outdoor experience.
Councillor Allan Henderson Vice Chair of the Highland Council Gaelic Committee said, “It’s great that the Gaelic Team are working with ‘Stramash’ to create a week-long Gaelic Playscheme as part of the Summer of Hope Initiative. Events like this are hugely important for the young people as they are able to use their Gaelic language skills during the Summer holidays and the children have the opportunity to meet their peers”, He continued, “It is important that the young people continue to use their language skills beyond the class room in a fun and informal environment and certainly this event gives the young people the opportunity to do this”.
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