Arrangements in place at all by-election polling stations

Issued on behalf of the Returning Officer

What Highland Council By-election voters need to know for polling day

As voters living in both the Wick and East Caithness and the Inverness West wards prepare to go to the poll to elect two Highland Councillors on Thursday (12 August), the Council has put measures in place at all polling stations to make the voting experience as smooth as possible.

Although COVID restrictions have eased across Scotland, this election was prepared under the same COVID restrictions as previous elections that took place this year.

As stated by the First Minister, we all should continue to take sensible precautions, even as these legal restrictions end as we want to maintain that level of safety for all involved.

On Thursday polling stations across Wards 3 and 13 open at 7am and will remain open until 10pm. Upon arrival at a polling station, staff will give voters their ballot paper and assist them with any questions they may have.

Hand sanitiser will be available upon entry and exit. Where possible windows and door within the polling station will be open as the better ventilated a room is, the safer it will be. Even if no longer legally mandatory, the council will be keeping distance and managing the numbers within the polling stations to avoid any potential crowding – all sensible precautions to keep everyone safe.Anyone intending to vote on Thursday is advised to check the poll card they would have received in the post as their polling place may have changed since the last election.

People should vote using numbers and rank the candidates in order of choice using 1, 2, 3 and so on. Put the number 1 in the voting box next to your first choice, a 2 in the voting box next to your second choice, a 3 in the voting box next to your third choice, and so on. You can make as many or as few choices as you wish.

If anyone has applied for a Postal Vote, it must be received by 10.00pm on Thursday 12 August 2021. If you have left it too late to post, you can drop it in at any Polling Station within wards 3 and 13.

All ballot boxes will be securely stored until the count which takes place from 10am onwards in Inverness Leisure on Friday 13 August.

People can follow live coverage of the Wick and East Caithness and Inverness West by-election counts on The Highland Council’s social media channels

A short promo video is now on the Council’s social media to promote how people can follow the counts.


10 Aug 2021