B862 Gorthleck Village Improvement Scheme Public Forum - Monday 6 September 2021

Residents of Gorthleck and the wider community are invited to attend a Public Forum to view the proposed Gorthleck Village Improvement Scheme.

The forum takes place on Monday 6 September 2021 at the Stratherrick Public Hall, Gorthleck. There will be a Drop-in Session between 4pm and 6.30pm followed by a Presentation with Q&A between 7pm and 8pm.

The Scheme aims to lower vehicle speed and better manage traffic, provide a shared-use path throughout the village, improve the road carriageway and road drainage and generally improve the road environment, road safety and amenity in Gorthleck.

Council officials will be in attendance to answer questions and discuss the proposals.

Please come to view the proposals and let us know your thoughts, concerns and ideas.

Feedback forms will be available to further engage in the consultation exercise.


The use of face coverings is required unless medically exempt, hand sanitiser will be available, and the collection of contact details will be taken for Track & Trace.

11 Aug 2021