Inverness Primary Head To Retire

Mrs Penuel Howie, Head teacher of Smithton Primary School in Inverness is retiring on the 28th June 2007, having been head teacher at the 230 pupil school for the last 16 years.

Prior to joining Smithton Primary as a head teacher in 1991, Mrs Howie, born in Aberdeen, was head teacher at Cawdor Primary after having been a teacher at Inchmore Primary by Beauly which was closed when Kirkhill Primary School opened in 1996.

To mark the end of her teaching career, colleagues at Smithton Primary are hoping that past colleagues and friends can join them in a special celebration at the end of the term.

One of the current teaching staff at Smithton said: “After a long career in Highland Schools we thought it would be nice if past colleagues and friends could help us to say farewell to Mrs Howie who plans to move to Spain to start a new life. The retirement party will take place on a cruise down Loch Ness in the last week of term.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to a farewell gift and sign a card can send or hand in a donation to the school or contact the school secretary on 791606.


19 Jun 2007