Nairn Academy HMIe Report

The Nairn Academy HMIe report published today (Tuesday) states that ‘Nairn Academy is at an important stage of its development’.  It identifies that key strengths within the school are:

• the Head Teacher’s effective start to improving the school
• the purposeful partnerships created with parents and the wider community
• the achievement of pupils in a wide range of activities offered by the school
• the quality of support for pupils with additional support needs

These provide the foundation for taking forward the school’s improvement agenda which will focus on the quality of learning and teaching and raising attainment through effective tracking and monitoring of pupils’ progress. 

Mrs Jean Godden, Head Teacher of the 822-pupil school, said:  “Whilst I am very pleased that the report confirms the importance of the improvement agenda already under way in the school, it also highlights areas which we need to move forward.  I am, however, confident that staff, pupils and parents will work together to achieve the school’s target – success for all pupils who attend Nairn Academy.”

Steve Westbrook, Chairman of the School Board, said that parents acknowledged the efforts that Mrs Godden and her staff were making to raise aspirations and achievement within the school and that the inspection report provided a useful baseline from which to measure progress.


19 Jun 2007