Gaelic Classes Inverness/Nairn/Fort William

This year’s Gaelic classes will be re-commencing during September/October 2021 with a mixture of face-to-face and online classes.

All Beginner classes will be following the new SpeakGaelic course. This course will be delivered at Level A1 with thirteen topic areas covered over a period of 26 weeks.

This term the team is offering 13 of these weeks with the remaining 13 to be covered from January to May 2022. Additional hours of self-learning will be required to fully complete Level A1.

In person classes –to take place at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis

SpeakGaelic A1 – Tuesday 7pm to 8.45pm -Tutor Susanne MacDonald. Start 21 Sept.

SpeakGaelic A1 - Wednesday 7pm to 8.45pm – Tutor Diane Bruce. Start 15 Sept.

Post-Beginners - For those with limited exposure to Gaelic such as through Duolingo or having competed another Beginners class. Monday 20 Sept. 7pm to 8.45pm - Lewis Laing

Lower Intermediate – For those developing a greater understanding of structures and vocabulary but want to gain confidence in speaking and listening skills. Wednesday 7pm to 8.45pm - Tutor Susanne Macdonald. Start 15 Sept.

Upper Intermediate -A class at Higher learners level using the Beatha le Buaidh series of texts. Tuesday 7pm to 8.45pm - Tutor Hazel MacRae. Start 21 Sept.

Advanced – Thursday 7pm to 8.45pm -Tutor Diane Bruce. Start 16 Sept.

Online Classes

SpeakGaelic A1 – online - Thursday 7pm to 8.45pm. Alasdair Laing. Start 16 Sept.

Gaelic lower Intermediate -online – Wednesday 7pm to 8.45pm. Des Scholes. Start 15Sept

The programme of  classes will start from Wed. 15 September and will run for 13 weeks. Cost £52. Concession for GM parents and HC staff - £26.


Gaelic for Parents online – A class aimed at parents of Gaelic Medium children aiming to cover simple social language, colours, numbers, language around bedtime, washing, and story-time including a look at Gaelic phonics. Starts Wednesday 15 September 7pm to 8pm- Ellen Jack.  6 weeks followed by one face to face class.  Cost - £10

Criomagan - online – Bite-size easy Gaelic for parents of babies and toddlers. Starts Monday 13 September for 7 weeks. 7pm to 8pm -   Eoina Rodgers.

All Enquiries to, Gaelic Team, Highland Council.

8 Sep 2021