Timetable for Lochaber By-Election Confirmed
The timetable for the election of a Councillor to represent the Fort William and Ardnamurchan ward of The Highland Council has been confirmed.
The by-election is being held following the death of Councillor Ian Ramon who was one of four Councillors representing Ward 21. The other Ward members are Councillors Blair Allan (Scottish National Party), Andrew Baxter (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) and Niall MacLean (Scottish National Party)
The Notice of Election and nomination forms will be available from the Councils website from Thursday 21 October 2021. https://www.highland.gov.uk/byelection
Prospective candidates will have until 4pm on Friday 29 October to submit their completed nomination forms.
If the seat is contested, voting will take place on Thursday 2 December with the count taking place within the ward on the following day.