Committee allocates funding for play parks 

At last week’s meeting of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee members took the decision to allocate £10,000 from the Ward’s Covid19 Discretionary Fund to support the provision of play equipment.

To progress this work members will work with amenities staff and local communities to confirm any other funding available, assess the type of equipment to be installed based on the budget available and consider the ongoing maintenance of equipment that is installed.

Chair of the Committee, Cllr Ian Cockburn said: “The importance of play outdoors to children is widely recognised.  I’m pleased that we can use a chunk of our Covid19 funding towards providing more opportunities for families to have suitable play areas in their local communities and that includes bringing back into use play equipment that has been temporarily closed off due to safety issues as quickly as possible."

9 Nov 2021