Black Isle Committee Members green light Place Based Investment Funding for four local projects

Cllr Gordon Adam, Chair of Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth Committee
Black Isle Area Committee Chair Cllr Gordon Adam

Members at today’s Black Isle Committee agreed to allocate £100,000 of Place Based Investment Funding to four local priority areas.

Highland Council allocated £100K for each ward for the 2021/22 financial year to enable a flexible response to address the four harms of COVID – direct health harms; health impacts not directly related to COVID-19; societal impacts and economic impacts.

Discussions with Members at Ward level had identified four initial priority areas and at today’s committee they approved the individual budget allocations.

Members agreed on a £20,000 allocation for Mental Health and Wellbeing with a particular focus on young people, older people and disabled people to reduce increased feelings of anxiety or social isolation. The funding is to be delegated to Fortrose Academy’s Black Isle Wellbeing Group.

The group is a well-established multi-agency group which works with all generations – from nursery pupils to the most elderly and vulnerable across the Black Isle.

Chair of the Area Committee, Cllr Gordon Adam, said: “Part of the funding will be used to kick-start pre-existing plans, as well as identify and target developing societal impacts.

“The funding will be particularly important for planned intergenerational activities will help young people to become more resilient and elderly and vulnerable to feel less isolated.”

Community Spaces also benefitted with a £25K investment. Members recognised the increased usage of open spaces and supporting local projects to improve play opportunities. The funding is to be delegated to the Council’s Amenities Team for direct delivery.

Cllr Adam added: “This important investment will help in keeping Playparks open with replacing equipment that has been removed or has a life span of less than three years as well as replacement of play bark.”

A sum of £25K was also agreed to establish a grant fund for investment in community-led projects to address the four COVID-19 harms.

Cllr Adam said: “There will be one funding round closing end of January 2022 which will see commitment by mid-March. Applications will be made via the established process for Ward Discretionary Grants.”

And £30K was earmarked to support sustainable economic recovery to address how the pandemic has impacted on the local economic recovery, including tourism, training, and employment. A proposal on how this will be delivered will be agreed at the next Area Committee.

16 Nov 2021