Senior executive to leave Council after 20 years’ service

Carron McDiarmid, Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place is retiring from The Highland Council after 35 years of public service and 20 years as a senior officer in the Council. 

Carron was previously the Council’s Head of Policy for many years and led the first phase of Council Redesign.  She also undertook a secondment in the role of the Chief Operating Officer for the Scottish Police Authority during 2018/19, prior to taking up her current post of Executive Chief Officer.

Carron said: “It has been a privilege to work with so many committed and talented staff and Members over the years in the Council.  Establishing and leading the new Communities and Place Service since 2019 alongside a great team has been especially fulfilling.  

“Their response over the past 20 months has been outstanding; adjusting all our frontline public services for waste, environmental health, amenity, registrar, customer services and bereavement services.  Key achievements have also been supporting the visitor management plan and initiating over ten vital COVID-19 projects ranging from running helplines, providing mobile vaccination and testing units and other support for NHS Highland’s public health team.  We have engaged with over 300 community groups, distributing community grants, and providing food and other support throughout the pandemic.

“I’ve been fortunate to have had a Lochaber focus too, chairing the Fort William 2040 Board of partners and have been inspired by the communities in Muck, Rum, Eigg and Knoydart from recent engagement visits in the west.

“All of these experiences show there are many ways to be active in community and public life and I am keen to explore new opportunities.”

She added: “I’m glad to have been part of a dedicated senior team under Donna Manson’s dynamic leadership.”

Donna Manson said: “Carron has been a high performing chief officer in the Council’s Executive Chief Officer team.  She is a very experienced, talented and able leader, with a huge amount to offer in any walk of life. She will be very much missed by her colleagues and I know she will stay connected.”

Cllr Allan Henderson, Chair of the Communities and Place Committee said: “It has been my pleasure to chair the Communities and Place committee since its inception under the guidance of Carron. She is an exceptional officer with a cool and clear head which works strategically for the whole of the Highlands, along with her brief for Lochaber. This has all been delivered through the Covid period. Carron will be a great success at whatever she chooses to do post council.”

Carron leaves her post early in the new year. Applications have been invited internally for an interim post pending permanent recruitment to be arranged.

17 Nov 2021