Easter Ross Area Committee Members rubber stamp funding for new Saltburn play area

Members of the Easter Ross Area Committee today agreed to use £15,000 of Cromarty Firth COVID-19 response funds for a new multi-unit for Saltburn Play Area.

Following consultation with Community Council members and a small group of interested residents, the decision was made to allocate £14,750 for the project.

At February’s meeting of the Area Committee it was agreed that a Cromarty Firth Ward Play budget was formed from unspent COVID-19 response funds. Any spend over £10,000 was to be approved by the Area Committee.

Easter Ross Area Committee Chair, Cllr Fiona Robertson, said: “We are delighted to have agreed this investment in the Saltburn Play Area.

“Play is important in all of the communities in the Ward and Members have and will continue to engage across the Ward to support communities and play opportunities.”

She added: “This financial year support has included use of ward discretionary budget for play chip required to keep play areas open and also a contribution to South Lodge Primary School to support inclusive play.

“However, Saltburn & Westwood Community Council, together with some local residents, highlighted to Members their ambitions for improvement to their play area, noting an increased number of young families in the area and asking for assistance to improve the local play area.”

The proposal involves the installation of a multi-unit tower with platform and slide.

Members also agreed to allocate £10,000 from the remaining Tain and Easter Ross COVID-19 ward discretionary funds to support investment in play in the Tain and Easter Ross Ward, in consultation with amenities staff and local communities.

Members also noted that the next steps to progress this work will follow on from upcoming play equipment inspection reports and local communities will require to be involved in discussions around future provision along with amenities staff.

18 Nov 2021