Two residents parking permit schemes approved for Inverness

Motorists and residents parking in the Ballifeary and Ross Avenue areas of Inverness are advised that The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee has approved 2 Traffic Regulation Orders that will see the introduction of residents’ parking schemes in both locations.

Following extensive statutory public consultations; engagement with community council and public meetings - amendments (based on objections received from the public) to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders were presented to Inverness Councillors for their consideration.

For the Ballifeary Traffic Regulation Order, Councillors have supported the following amendments:

  • Reduce the Permit Scheme to only cover the length of Ballifeary Road from its junction with Bishops Road and its junction with Ballifeary Lane.
  • Reduce the restricted hours to Monday – Friday 10am to 5pm.
  • Abandon the Permit Scheme proposed for Ballifeary Lane.
  • Abandon the waiting and loading restrictions from a point in line with the boundary of number 28/30 Ballifeary Road Southwards to its junction with Glenurquhart Road.

For Ross Avenue, Councillors have supported the making of a Traffic Regulation Order as follows:

  • Introduce “No Waiting at Any Time” restrictions on the south side of Ross Avenue and also at locations on the north side of Ross Avenue at its junction with Fairfield Road, between Nos 15 & 17; between Nos 33 & 35 and at the junction on Ross Avenue and Kenneth Street; and
  • Introduce a Parking Permit Holder restriction bays on the North side of Ross Avenue between Nos 1& 15, 17 & 33 and Nos 35 & 49.

Details of the approved Residents Permit Schemes can be viewed on the Council’s website, for:

The effective date of both schemes and the final plans will be published in due course by Highland Council. The Council will write to all objectors confirming the committee decision.

Councillors were informed that with the making of the Traffic Regulation Orders permit parking spaces are not allocated to individual permit holders and that Residents Parking Schemes do not guarantee the availability of a parking space or a space outside individual permit holders’ residences.

Residents can apply for permits at


18 Nov 2021