Skye and Raasay Future takes another step forward

Skye and Raasay Future

Skye and Raasay Future (SARF), a partnership plan developed by the communities together with Highland Council in conjunction with Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE), is taking another step forward.

The shared vision holds a list of projects requiring grant funding to get off the ground.

The plan published early September and adopted by the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee, aims to maximise the benefits gained from investments coming into the area. 

The Council and HIE are now calling on project leaders to steer the next crucial stage of the process - the setting up the board.

Ward manager for Skye and Raasay, Willie Mackinnon said: “The collective effort could only work with the communities’ representation.

He added: “We have emailed project leaders asking for their input by Friday (10 December 2021), with their views fed back to the project team.”

Malcolm MacLeod, the Council’s Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure, Environment and Economy, is putting together a cross-departmental council officer group to support the SARF board.

He said: “We know that there will be initiatives and funding for economic recovery. The idea behind SARF is that the community has one shared plan which is a credible and robust case for securing future funding.”

SARF followed engagement with stakeholders between January and June 2021.

Architecture & Design Scotland (A&DS) formed part of the SARF Project Team alongside staff from the Highland Council and Highlands & Islands Enterprise, to lead the online engagement.

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6 Dec 2021