Uig Harbour Works – Opportunity to view on-line presentation and pass on comments

CalMac held three in-person consultation sessions last week, including one at Uig Village Hall on 16 December, to give the community the opportunity to provide feedback about the plans to introduce an alternative timetable for the ferry service while work at Uig is underway.

Due to infrastructure upgrades being undertaken by The Highland Council, the harbour at Uig on the Isle of Skye will be closed for a period of 21 weeks from 12 September 2022 until 03 February 2023.

The presentation, which CalMac have now made available on-line, sets out plans that will be put in place to maintain a high-level of service throughout the closure and minimise the impact to customers, including information on a proposed alternative timetable. CalMac are seeking the community’s views on their timetable proposals and the consultation period will remain open for feedback until 7 January 2021 with any feedback and comments sent to CalMac by email – SkyeTriangleUpgrades@calmac.co.uk.

The Chair of The Highland Council’s Skye and Raasay Committee is encouraging anyone unable to attend the drop-in consultation session held in Uig on Thursday 16 December to view an on-line presentation on CalMac’s service continuity plans. 

Councillor John Gordon said: “I know not everyone in the community would have been able to come along to the session CalMac hosted in Uig last week but it is important people realise that they can still pass on their views. I therefore encourage anyone who will be affected to visit the CalMac website to view the presentation that has been prepared and feedback any comments they may have.”

The infrastructure upgrade work at Uig is part of the Skye Triangle Infrastructure Project, which involves significant harbour upgrades at the three ports at Tarbert, Lochmaddy and Uig.  The work is designed to improve and modernise harbour facilities and prepare the way for new vessels.


22 Dec 2021