Lochaber community groups encouraged to apply for Place Based Investment funds

Lochaber community groups and organisations are being invited to apply for a share of £154,114 Place-Based Investment programme funding by The Highland Council’s Lochaber Area Committee. 

The deadline for Lochaber applications is 2pm on 21 January 2022.  

Applications can be made via the Council’s website at: https://www.highland.gov.uk/regeneration 

Lochaber Area Committee Chair, Cllr Andrew Baxter said: “Place Based Investment Funds offer an opportunity for local Lochaber based projects to be funded. I encourage anyone with a suitable project that could benefit from financial support to submit an application for consideration as soon as possible.” 

The Scottish Government has allocated Highland Council, £1,963,000 of ring-fenced Place Based Investment Programme funding for the current financial year of which Lochaber Area Wards will receive £154,114 in the first round of funding. 

The Programme seeks to support capital projects which deliver on place policy ambitions such as town centre revitalisation, community led regeneration, 20-minute neighbourhoods and Community Wealth Building, and are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities. 

In September Members of the Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed that an area-based approach would be adopted to manage the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme grant for 2021/22. 

Full details, guidance notes and application forms can be found on the Council’s website at: https://www.highland.gov.uk/regeneration 


11 Jan 2022