Inverness School Pupils Back Votescotland Campaign

Issued by VoteScotland

First time voters from Inverness Royal Academy have given their backing to a major Scottish campaign which is encouraging and informing people how to register and cast their vote on 3 May 2007.

The sixth-year pupils were among groups of people, ranging from students, builders, families, footballers and older voters, gathering in Scotland’s six cities to show support for VoteScotland, a politically neutral campaign, organised by the Scottish Executive and the Electoral Commission.

From tomorrow (3 March) - exactly two months ahead of the Scottish Parliamentary and council elections - advertising will appear on television, radio, online, in newspapers, through household mailings and on outdoor posters. 

This will be supported by a free helpline number (0800 0141 012), the campaign website, which provides information on how people can vote, and a national roadshow. 

Adverts, which feature a variety of scenarios illustrating how politics affects everyday issues such as the environment, health, education and family life, were unveiled across all of Scotland’s cities by members of the public.

Launching the advertising at Inverness Royal Academy, Fiona Divers, 18, said: “I'm excited to be voting for the first time on the 3rd of May as it will be the first chance for me to have a say on the things that matter to me."

Pupil Jamie Bowie, who turns 18 next month, will also be voting for the first time in May. He added: “It's really important that people use their vote as the decisions which are made by local councillors and MSPs will have an impact on their lives."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Scotland, players from Aberdeen Football Club gave their support to the campaign.

In Dundee, older people called on people to vote and in Stirling, builders took time out to lend their support.

Students got behind the campaign in Edinburgh, while in Glasgow city centre, members of the Asian community, who will all be using their vote in May, also urged others to play their part in the forthcoming elections.

In each location, these groups revealed posters from the new campaign which will help raise awareness of VoteScotland across the country.

For the local government election, voters will rank candidates in order of preference using numbers – the single transferable vote system (STV). Voting will remain the same for Scottish Parliamentary elections – using an X to mark choices for constituency and region.

VoteScotland is reminding everyone across the country that the final deadline to register to vote in the forthcoming elections is 18 April.
Douglas Gillespie, the Electoral Registration Officer for Highland, said: “Politics affects our everyday lives and the things we care about, such as our family, the area we live in and the environment.
“There are only two months to go until the elections, and it’s important to make sure you’re registered to vote by April 18 and take the chance to have your say on things that matter to you.”

People can check whether they are registered to vote by contacting their local electoral registration office or they can download a registration form by visiting

To find out more, call the free VoteScotland Helpline on 0800 0141 012 or visit:


2 Mar 2007