Supporting communities redeveloping play areas

The Highland Council has launched a new section of its website dedicated to upgrading play area provision across the Highlands.

The Council currently has 306 equipped play areas spread across the region in rural and urban locations. It is the Council’s aim to provide exciting, stimulating, inclusive and accessible play areas.

Cllr Allan Henderson, Chair of Communities and Place Committee said: “In this uncertain economic climate, there have been many dedicated and hardworking local communities who have been incredible in managing to source funding to refurbish or redevelop existing play areas and this is to be encouraged. 

“The Council can support more local communities by signposting them to funding opportunities and advising them on suitable equipment choices, site layout and inclusive provisions. The Council will also monitor equipment installations where required.

“This new information provided will be a great help to communities. The website provides information on indicative prices for new equipment, funders of play equipment, suppliers of play equipment and a flow chart on how to carry out a play area upgrade within your local area.”

For more information and to get involved please visit:

7 Feb 2022