Leader responds to energy cost announcement  

It was announced last week by Chancellor Rishi Sunak that financial support will be made available to help people cope with the increase in energy costs. Energy costs will increase further following the announcement by the energy regulator OFGEM that the energy price cap will rise in April 2022 to £1,971.

In response to this announcement, Cllr Margaret Davidson, Leader of The Highland Council said: “I am really concerned over the impact of these huge increases in energy costs on already hard-pressed households in Highland. The recognition of this and the additional funding from the UK Government is welcome. We now need to see how the Scottish Government will use these funds to support households with their energy bills.

“We have already recognised the pressures being faced by households in Highland and established our own Discretionary Fuel Support Fund to help those in most need of additional support with their winter heating costs.

“We believe these additional funds from UK Government that will make their way to Scottish Government via the Barnett formula, should be distributed directly by local government as we have the schemes and systems in place to get this money out to our communities quickly.”

Commenting on the energy crisis, Depute Leader of the Council, Cllr Alasdair Christie said: “This is an absolute horror story for many Highland residents who are seeing their bills and costs soaring, leaving them to make impossibly difficult decisions between food, energy, going out and basic day-to-day living.

“Help is available to residents from the Council’s welfare support team and local Citizens Advice Bureaux both of whom provide a free and confidential service which can provide help and advice on personal budgeting, benefits you may be entitled to, and support on money matters.”

Contact the welfare support team today on our freephone number 0800 090 1004; or email welfare.support@highland.gov.uk.

Find out more on the Council’s website at https://bit.ly/WelfareSupportHighland.

8 Feb 2022