Ewen’s Room wellbeing support services awarded place based investment funds

Ewen's room logo

Members agreed to allocate £15,000 of funding from the Fort William and Ardnamurchan Place Based Investment Fund to Ewen’s Room for their Community Resilience and Wellbeing Support Services projects.

At the Lochaber Area Committee on 9th August 2021, allocations from the Place Based Investment Fund for the Fort William and Ardnamurchan ward were agreed. Within these, it was agreed to allocate £30,000 to established community groups delivering successfully in the provision of mental health and well-being services. Projects which aid recovery from the harms of COVID-19 were to be prioritised. An application from Lochaber Hope for £15,000 was approved at Committee on 8 November 2021 and yesterday (Monday 7 February 2022) the remaining £15,000 was awarded to Ewen’s Room.

The funding to Ewen’s Room will contribute towards the delivery of three key projects it leads on:

  • Telephone and Online Community Support
  • Employability Pilot Project
  • Wellbeing Champions Project

Project Costs - Staffing and admin costs for the three projects total £42,590 plus travel and resources (including well-being packs) total £8,350. This gives an overall project cost of £50,940. The £15,000 allocation from the Place Based Investment Fund will contribute to the project costs.

The fund is intended to enable a flexible local response to address the four harms of COVID-19 which are identified as direct health harms; health impacts not directly related to COVID-19; societal impacts and economic impacts.

The funds allocated will be managed by the Senior Ward Manager and any grants awarded of £10,000 or over reported to future Lochaber Area Committee for approval.

8 Feb 2022