Lochaber Area Committee agreed to a 1% garage rents increase for 2022/23

Yesterday (Monday 7 February 2022) Members agreed a 1% increase in garage rents for Lochaber garages and garage sites for 2022/23.

A 1% general rent increase was agreed by Members at Housing and Property Committee on 20 January 2022.

The Council listened to the responses received through tenant consultation on rent levels.  This small rent increase in 2022/23 will allow the Council to maintain current levels of service while minimising the financial impact on garage and garage site tenants. Any additional rent income from garages and garage sites generated by a rent increase will be applied as an increase in the area repairs budget for garages and garage sites in 2022/23.

Garage Rent for Council Tenants will increase by 11p from £11.57 to £11.68. Garage Rent non-tenant will go up by 13p from £13.88 to £14.01. Garage Site Rent for Council Tenants will increase by 2p from £2.01 to £2.03. Garage Site Rent for Non-Tenant will also increase by 2p from £2.41 to £2.43. As a result, income will increase from £124,037 to £127,203

The rate increase will commence from April 2022 and garage tenants will be notified by letter.

8 Feb 2022