Visitor Management Local Action Plans agreed for three popular destinations

Tourism Committee Members met today (Wednesday 16 February) and approved Local Action Plans for three popular destinations experiencing significant challenges due to the increase in visitor numbers, Members also agreed that further localised action plans be drafted for other areas across Highland. A fourth plan, for Assynt will follow in the coming weeks.

The three areas initially identified as key priority areas are:

• Road to the Isles - Arisaig/Morar

• Durness, North West Sutherland

• Glen Brittle - Isle of Skye

These three areas are also incorporated within the eight priority areas identified in the new Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan (STIDP) - medium to long term plan.

Members were presented with three Local Action Plans on visitor management, the plans being a culmination of experience and consultation with interested stakeholders within those three areas and with council officers. The plan recommends a range of future activities that can be considered priorities for the Council, partner agencies, non-government organisations (NGOs) or communities.

Tourism Committee Chair, Cllr Gordon Adam said: “A collaborative approach to visitor management is key to improving both the visitor experience and the balance of community life. The Local Action Plans presented today, demonstrates a joined-up approach by the Council, partner agencies and communities to work together to produce positive outcomes that understand both the challenges and needs in key hotspot areas to address visitor management.”  

The Local Action Plan areas were considered because of the reports and data gathered by seasonal Access Rangers between May and October 2021. The Access Ranger for each area collated the Location Actions Plans in consultation with stakeholders in each area to ensure that their views, concerns, and ideas are represented in the potential solutions and future actions. This has included community councils and bodies, land managers, businesses, government organisations, non-government organisations (NGOs) and council officers.

The Action Plan highlights and describes each challenge, provides suggested actions with options, timescales and the proposed multi-agency approach.

The Localised Action Plan (LAP) is a dynamic plan that will adapt with the needs of the area.

A copy of each Local Action Plan (LAP) can be viewed here

16 Feb 2022