Members of Easter Ross Area Committee green light funding to improve Saltburn Beach

Saltburn and Westwood Community Council’s application for Highland Coastal Communities Funding to make access improvements at Saltburn Beach has been approved.

Members of the Easter Ross Area Committee today (17 February 2022) approved the Community Council’s application for £13,630.31.

The Highland Coastal Communities Fund is a new fund designed to support economic regeneration and sustainable development around coastal areas in Highland.

It is derived from revenue generated by Scottish Government Crown Estate marine assets. Each year local authorities are allocated a proportion of the profits and Easter Ross Area Committee was allocated £108,107.84.

To date the committee has approved £92,111.24 worth of grant applications, with a £15,996.60 balance remaining. Today’s decision to approve the application from Saltburn Community Council will be taken from that remaining total.

The Saltburn Beach project has three elements:

  • The repair of the existing slipway by replacing crumbling damaged sections with an even, safe surface to allow for safe access to the beach by boat users
  • Installation of new steps at the slipway for improved access. Several people have been injured by slipping when trying to access the beach using the slipway itself which can become very slippery. Installing steps will allow for safe access and reduce the risk of injury
  • Install handrails at all access steps to the beach to improve accessibility for all

Chair of the Easter Ross Area Committee, Cllr Fiona Robertson said: “We are delighted to be able to approve this bid as this work is crucial in terms of public safety.

“The beach at Saltburn is well used by residents and visitors and has a positive impact on people’s physical and mental wellbeing, something which the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on.”

She added: “The slipway is a valuable community asset that allows both residents and visitors to launch a range of small sea craft from Saltburn to enjoy the Cromarty Firth, observe the wildlife in and around it and enjoy nature, all of which promote wellbeing.”

17 Feb 2022