Over £191K Inverness Common Good Funds awarded

Eights projects that will benefit leisure, tourism and city centre businesses are to receive £191,685 Inverness Common Good Funding which has been awarded by Members of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee today.

Provost of Inverness and Area Cllr Helen Carmichael said: “These funding awards demonstrate the diversity and importance of the Inverness Common Good Fund’s assistance in the area’s economic and social recovery from the pandemic while providing for the well-being of visitors and locals.”

Inverness BID has been awarded £107,445 for partnership working projects in 2022 including: provision of city floral displays (£64,150); Operation Respect activities throughout Easter, Summer and Autumn (£10,795); Inverness Gull Project (£12,000); Inverness Community Safety Partnership (£9,700); and the Coach Friendly Project (£10,800).

Visit Inverness Loch Ness were awarded £30,000 towards Inverness City Recovery Marketing. This partnership project between Visit Inverness Loch Ness, Inverness BID and The Highland Council will maximise the use of Visit Inverness Loch Ness’s destination visitor marketing expertise in attracting visitors to the city.

In support of Inverness hosting the European Pipe Band Championships in June this year, Councillors approved an award of £29,000 to LCC Live Event Services Ltd who will be organising this major competition which has been in abeyance due to the pandemic.

The Kings Golf Club Inverness was awarded £25,240 towards building a toilet block on the golf course. This new addition will help provide a new facility at the half-way stage of the 18-hole course.

Details on the Inverness Common Good Fund and how to apply for it can be found on the Council’s website at this link.

17 Feb 2022