Skye and Raasay Area Committee agreed to a 1% garage rents increase for 2022/23

Today (Monday 21 February 2022) Members agreed a 1% increase in garage rents for Skye and Raasay garages for 2022/23.

A 1% general rent increase was agreed by Members at Housing and Property Committee on 20 January 2022.

Skye and Raasay Area Committee Chair, Cllr John Gordon said: “The Skye and Raasay Area Committee listened to the responses received through tenant consultation on rent levels.  This small rent increase in 2022/23 will allow the Council to maintain current levels of service while minimising the financial impact on garage tenants. Any additional rent income from garages generated by a rent increase will be applied as an increase in the area repairs budget for garages in 2022/23.”

Garage Rent for Council Tenants will increase by 7p from £6.50 to £6.57. Garage Rent non-tenant will go up by 6p from £8.03 to £8.11. As a result, income will increase from £1,706.88 to £1,723.96.

The rate increase will commence from April 2022 and garage tenants will be notified by letter.

21 Feb 2022