Skye and Raasay capital investment for council housing improvements

The Highland Council is to invest £288,000 into carrying out improvements to its housing stock in Skye and Raasay over the next 12 months.

At today's meeting of the Skye and Raasay Area Committee (Monday 21 February) Members agreed a one-year Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme that will see £176,000 spent on mainstream projects to improve Skye and Raasay council homes over 2022/23. On top of this funding, an additional £67,000 will be allocated to provide aids and adaptations to assist tenants requiring extra support to remain living in their homes.

The Council is responsible for maintaining 367 homes across Skye and Raasay. In Skye there are 365 residential properties and, in Raasay there are 2.

Skye and Raasay Area Committee Chair, Cllr John Gordon said: “Skye and Raasay’s Housing Revenue Account (HSA) for 2022/23 is a proportionate share of the wider Highland Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme. Harnessing feedback from tenants, fellow councillors, and Council maintenance teams we can get underway with identifying priorities and planning the programme of works for the year ahead.

“Funding to carry out specific work to help tenants adapt their homes as their individual needs change is vitally important to the communities in Skye and Raasay. Sometimes small adaptions, make significant changes and can allow people to extend their ability to live independently and at home in Skye and Raasay.”

Updates on the HRA Capital Programme will continue to be provided through ward briefings and at future Local Committees as requested by local Members, in addition to reporting to Housing and Property Committee.

21 Feb 2022