Place based investment agreed for Skye and Raasay Future

Skye and Raasay Area Committee agreed to allocate £76,594 Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) funding to existing Town Centre Funding (TCF) projects that may be experiencing budgetary challenges caused by escalating costs or where value could be added to the projects.

The Scottish Government has allocated the Highland Council £1,963,000 ring-fenced Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) funding for 2021/22. On 1 September 2021, Members of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed an area distribution of the grant. Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee was allocated £76,594.

Members agreed to the following allocations of funding:

  • Broadford Toilet Project - £29,465
  • Portree Community Centre – Further refurbishment works - £38,297

A sum of £8,832 was to be held as contingency in the event that either of the approved projects required additional investment.  If not required, permission will be requested from the Scottish Government to carry over any uncommitted funds into 2022/23.

The 2020 Programme for Government committed to establishing a Place-Based Investment Programme (PBIP), linking and aligning place-based funding initiatives. The aim of the PBIP is to ensure that all place-based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities and accelerate ambitions for place, 20-minute neighbourhoods, town centre action, community led regeneration and community wealth building.

The Place Principle endorsed by the six Skye and Raasay Future (SARF) priorities underpins this approach and was adopted by Scottish Government and CoSLA as a basis for collaborative working to ensure that future local investment is relevant to local communities for the benefit of local people. Bringing relevant services, enterprise, and communities together to make towns, villages, and neighbourhoods more viable.

Click here to find out more about the Skye and Raasay Future plan.



21 Feb 2022