Dingwall to Invergordon Cycle Route gets on track.

The second phase of a new cycle route that will link Dingwall, Evanton, Alness and Invergordon is due to get underway next week. 

The project will include the completion of  the roadside path into Alness along the Ballachraggan straight, the improvement and extension of an off-road path between Evanton and the Struie road and a road-side path along the verge of the A9 linking Alness with the Rosskeen minor road.

Also included in the project will be improved signage and road marking measures on existing minor roads and footpaths between Dingwall Academy and Evanton and also between Rosskeen and Invergordon Academy.

The £400,000 project has been funded by The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service, the Scottish Executive both directly and through Sustrans Scotland and also HIE Inverness and East Highland. This second phase brings the total funding of the cycle route to £720,000.

The objective of the project is to develop the national cycle network through linking up neighbouring community settlements and work destinations while also providing safer routes to school through a combination of new road-side paths and improvements to existing off-road paths and minor roads.

Councillor Val MacIver, Chair of Highland Council’s Ross and Cromarty Area Planning, Development Europe and Tourism Committee said: “I am delighted that we are now seeing the second extension of the Dingwall / Invergordon cycle route. Not only will this provide safer cycling for locals but it will also help to attract cycling visitors to our area through the national Sustrans network.”

Philippa Davison, Sustrans' Project Manager for Safe Routes to Schools Scotland, said: "Projects are being funded across Scotland to encourage and enable more young people to travel to school in safe and active ways. Physical activity is beneficial to health at all ages, however it is especially important to the healthy development of children and young people. We anticipate that the projects being developed will help young people and their parents feel more confident about walking and cycling to school.

“Thanks to £3.8 million funding from the Scottish Executive for 06/07, Sustrans' Safe Routes to Schools team in Scotland has awarded The Highland Council with £100k for improvements to the Dingwall to Invergordon Cycle Route.”

The works are due to commence on site week beginning Monday 12th March with an overall project completion date scheduled for the end of June 2007.

7 Mar 2007