Small Isles to benefit from Islands Infrastructure Fund

Lochaber Area Committee Members at today’s (Monday 7 March) special committee, unanimously agreed Islands Infrastructure Funding (IIF) for four Small Isles projects based on local priorities, to sustain, enhance and develop transformational and critical infrastructure that align with the National Islands Plan (NIP) and its strategic objectives.

Within the Islands Infrastructure Fund, The Highland Council received an award of £510,000 to be allocated to deliver infrastructure projects across Skye, Raasay and the Small Isles. The deadline for drawdown of the funding is 31st March 2022; however, it is expected that future tranches of funding will be made available with a more achievable timeframe to allow for an open call for projects to be made.

Interim Lochaber Area Committee Chair, Cllr Allan Henderson said: “Islands Infrastructure Fund gives a financial boost to a range of community led infrastructure projects across the Small Isles. The funding will allow for financial stability to complete two of the projects that are well underway on Canna and Eigg, allow the Foxglove project on Rum to go ahead and make improvements to the roads on Muck and Eigg. The £130,000 IIF awarded will make a significant difference to the people of Eigg, Rum, Canna and Muck.”

The four projects awarded Islands Infrastructure Funds are:

  • Isle of Canna Hub, Canna Harbour - £42,760

The Islands Infrastructure Fund will meet the surplus required to complete the Canna Hub. The hub is a new 87 m² building close to Canna Pier and harbour which will provide fully accessible modern welfare facilities for the 10,000 - 15,000 annual visitors to Canna. The building will incorporate toilets, showers and a small laundry for visitors, it can also function as a reception and orientation point and a base for the NTS Ranger and a doctor surgery.

  • Foxglove, Isle of Rum Trust - £20,000

Capital works required to bring the Foxglove building back into use as new permanent accommodation on the Island.

  • An Laimhrig Community Hub – Isle of Eigg Trading Company - £50,000

Programme of external works at An Laimhrig - surface water drainage works, paving, accessible ramps etc. These aspects require to be completed ahead of tarring and to support opening of the building. These are essential infrastructure elements to the overall accessibility of the area.

  • Small Isles Road Infrastructure Improvements – The Highland Council - £17,240

Improvements to the road network on Muck and Eigg.

7 Mar 2022