Highland Council agrees support for Ukraine

Members of The Highland Council agreed to hold an emergency debate at the beginning of the Council meeting today (10 March 2022) to discuss the situation in Ukraine and consider ways in which the Council can support those affected by the crisis.

Convener of The Highland Council, Cllr Bill Lobban said: “The Members of The Highland Council have made clear their full support for the people of the Ukraine who are valiantly fending off this unwarranted Russian invasion. We will continue to do whatever we can to support the innocent people who are caught up in Putin’s horrendous war both those remaining in Ukraine and those who have been forced to flee for their lives.”

Councillors unanimously agreed the following motion by Cllr Derek Louden and Cllr Bill Lobban:

“This Council agrees to recognise the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people by granting the Freedom of the Highlands to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy.”

Councillors agreed that the Council will directly promote among its staff and the public in several different ways to donate financially to support people directly affected by the invasion of Ukraine:

In addition, Working with its Community Planning Partners, the Council will engage with the community, public and private sector on a ‘Highland Weekend of Action for Ukraine’; to promote fundraising activity across Highland during first weekend of school holidays 1 - 3 April 2022 and the Council will encourage staff, Members and school communities to fundraise to donate to Ukraine appeals.

Staff and Members who wish to donate to Ukraine appeals on a regular monthly basis through payroll deduction will also be supported to do so.

The debate also included discussion about humanitarian support; refugees support and support for staff, young people and the wider public and in particular for those with families and friends involved in the crisis.

It was noted that the Highland Council has a strong track record in supporting refugees and asylum seeks and members urged urgent action by the UK Government to support those fleeing from Ukraine.

Members also agreed that the Council will engage to help develop the Government Sponsorship scheme being proposed, which will build on current programmes and structures already in place to support refugees and migrants.

In terms of support for staff, young people and the wider public Councillors agreed that the Council will:

  • promote the Employee Assistance Programme among staff and members to help support the mental wellbeing of those affected by the crisis particularly for those with loved ones/friends/family in Ukraine and Russia; and
  • work with High Life Highland to understand wider community needs for support and help enable support structures for individuals seeking support.

Chief Executive High Life Highland Steve Walsh said: “High Life Highland is wholeheartedly committed to supporting the Highland Council in its humanitarian relief efforts, from local community support to fund raising efforts. The HLH Board, Management and Staff will most definitely get behind the Highland Weekend of Action for Ukraine and will look to ensure all HLH services and locations across the Highlands play a part in the initiative.”

At the end of the emergency debate on the Ukraine crisis – at the request of Councillor Raymond Bremner – Members stood and joined in applause for the resilience of the people of Ukraine.

10 Mar 2022